Main Essay Lab (for Class of '24)
Tue, Jun 20
|For Class of '24
Tuesday, June 20, 2023 from 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM CST

Date & Time
Jun 20, 2023, 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM CDT
For Class of '24
About the Event
***Exclusively for Access College America scholars***
Crafting a competitive main essay (aka: the personal statement) is arguably one of the hardest parts of the college application experience. The stakes are high as this essay will be read by every single college you apply to. Ideas should be mapped out strategically and with intention.
This lab provides insight into what colleges are looking for in a main essay. Presenters will guide all scholars through exercises designed for self-reflection which is vital to the writing experience. A discussion on the four cornerstones to a great college essay will be conducted and attendees are expected to show up with all pre-requisites completed.  The scholar should leave this lab with their Topic and an Outline of their Main Essay.
2 Pens
notebook for taking notes
3-to-5 blank sheets of paper
Be Advised:
This is a hands-on working lab with camera & audio on. Participation is required for all attendees.
We suggest water & snacks readily available.
Plan to be in a quiet location suitable for brainstorming activities and writing.
You MUST be at a desk and in front of a computer (no phones allowed).
Lab Led By:
Bonnie Kleffman, MEd, GCDF
College Consultant Director
Access College America
Bonnie is a globally certified Career Development Facilitator who holds a Masters in Education and English. She has worked with students of all ages and backgrounds, and has a passion for helping students find careers that they love and the educational paths to get them there. She is the Associate College Consultant for Access College America, a national provider for guidance with college planning based in Austin, Texas.
Alesha Walker, M.L.A.
Director of Scholar Support
Access College America
Alesha was hired in 2019 as the Executive Assistant for the Founder & Owner of Access College America. After exceeding expectations, she was promoted to Manager of Operations in December 2020. Â In January 2022, she was promoted to Manager of Scholar Support for her exceptional attention to detail, high level of service, and expertise in essay preparation. As the Manager of Scholar Support, she assists the consultants with daily tasks to meet our objective of excellence in customer service. She coordinates all labs, webinars, and parent forums and serves as a panelist for various college planning events in the community. Alesha meets with rising seniors for essay brainstorming, prep, and revisions during the busy season. Her extensive background in essay writing and scholarship prep makes her a valuable resource for our scholars.